2012년 3월 18일 일요일

Shitsu Catholic Church (カトリック出津教会), Nagasaki

After we left Kurosaki, we went to Shitsu Catholic Church.

Father de Rotz devoted himself not only to upgrading the livelihood of local residents, but also to educating mothers and daughters, who play important roles in raising children. He provided religious education in plain words, and laid the foundation for nurturing more priests and religious in this district than in any other place in Japan. Father de Rotz was in charge of all the design and construction work of Shitsu Church, which was enlarged twice. As with Oura Cathedral, which has been designated a national treasure, Shitsu Church was built by covering brick walls with mortar. The Father de Rotz Memorial Hall, located near the church, stores documents related to the church design.

Source:Shitsu Church on Nagasaki Prefecture Official site

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