2021년 8월 22일 일요일

Plane spotting at Fukuoka Airport on 19 August 2021/2021年8月19日福岡空港の飛行機たち

On Thursday, I went to the airport to see planes takeoff and landing in the afternoon. I was lucky to see the Peach Aviation Airbus a320 neo. She came to a regular flight of MM286 from Okinawa Naha. In addition, there were some taking airplane photos such as an EVA Air plane stopped at gate 53 of the international terminal😥The Taipei flight arrived that day seems to be trouble due to an airplane breakdown😞


At 4:19 PM, a Star Flyer flight 7G64 to Nagoya Chubu was taking off on Rwy 34. The aircraft registration number JA26MC was used for flight of the day. This is a fleet of Star Flyer's Airbus a320 series mainly used for their short-haul flights e.g. the Kitakyushu-Taipei route that went service in October 2018. But because of coronavirus, she's now flying in Japan only. 

午後4時19分にスターフライヤー の名古屋中部行き7G64便が滑走路34から離陸。機体番号はJA26MCでした。当機は2018年10月に国際線機材として投入。同月末から就航した北九州ー台北路線に使用していましたが、新型コロナウイルスの影響による運休で現在では国内線に転用されています。

After that a Peach flight MM287 to Okinawa Naha was taking off. The aircraft registration number JA202P is currently in use since the fuselage was received from Airbus in April.


2021년 8월 12일 목요일

Plane spotting at Fukuoka Airport on 10 August 2021, part 2/2021年8月10日福岡空港の飛行機たち(その2)

The best things to upload photo of the day: An EVA Air Boeing 787-9 on flight BR105 to Taipei was taking off at 12:29 PM. The aircraft registration number B-17883 was used for flight of the day. It's one of EVA Air's Dreamliner planes with a huge 787 logo put in front of the aircraft. 



2021년 8월 11일 수요일

Plane spotting at Fukuoka Airport on 10 August 2021, part 1/2021年8月10日福岡空港の飛行機たち(その1)

 Yesterday I went to the airport to see planes takeoff and landing. I was lucky to see the Cathay Pacific Airbus a350-900. She came to a regular flight of CX/CPA 586 from Hong Kong. We usually can't see this plane because she'll going to Tokyo and Osaka on a daily basis. You know the situation of COVID-19 all over the world is getting worse especially the recent delta variant that spreads quickly in Asia😠😞Now we need more vaccines for Japan, that's why the airline has sent a super large plane to Fukuoka instead of the usual A330s. 

昨日(10日)は飛行機を見に行きました。 この日の午後にキャセイパシフィック航空のCX586/587便がエアバスa350-900で飛来してくる情報をネットで知ったので、朝11時ごろに家を出て早速空港へ。キャセイの福岡便はは昨年11月から貨物便として運航再開。いつもだとa330型機で飛来してくるのですが、今月いつぱい(❓)までは当機材で飛来してくるとのこと。今年に入ってからでも新型コロナウイルスの終息が見えずに最近の変異ウイルス、いわゆるデルタ株の流行で国内でも感染者が急増。大量のワクチンをイギリス、アメリカなどの生産国から運ばなければならないのでこのような機材変更が生じたと思います😟

Cathay Pacific a350 welcome to Fukuoka: The Cathay Pacific flight 586 from Hong Kong was landing at 3:13 PM in the afternoon. The aircraft registration number B-LRK was used for flight of the day. They put the latest model of Airbus a350 family into its long-haul routes from February 2017.


The CX587 return flight to Hong Kong was taking off at 4:31 PM🛫

I also got a picture of EVA Air's Dreamliner with a huge 787 logo which was flying this morning😁 See tomorrow's blog for details.