2023년 4월 19일 수요일

Visiting Monjusenji Temple, Oita

Yesterday we had decided to take a drive🚙 to Monjusenji (文殊仙寺), a Tendai temple in Kunisaki, Oita. The temple was founded in 648.  

We stopped a car at the parking lot and start walking. 
I found a pair of Nio statues on the way. He is welcomed to visit us😊 
When we went up the stairs, we'll see a Sanmon or the temple gate.
The main hall is free and open to the public. However, an admission fee of 600 yen per person is payable for special events such as the 1300th anniversary exhibition of Monju Bosatsu kannon Buddha😐

2023년 4월 9일 일요일

Seeing Tsuetate Onsen koinobori festival

Yesterday we had decided to take a drive🚙 to see Tsuetate Onsen♨ koinobori (鯉のぼり) festival in Oguni, Kumamoto. The annual flying carp event will be held until the beginning of May until May 6th; more than 3000 carp streamers swimming above the Tsuetate River is a sight to behold😊👍

I tried to take a close-up picture of streamers🎏