2014년 8월 22일 금요일

A Hong Kong Express A320 new livery welcome to Fukuoka!/香港エクスプレスのA320新塗装機が福岡に飛来!

I caught a Hong Kong Express A320 new livery on 14 August. It is the first time to see such beautiful plane. The aircraft registration number B-LCA is drawing a company logo in the front of plane, and skyscrapers of Victoria Harbour in the rear side. It is known as the best night view in Hong Kong.
And one more thing to upload on this blog; A Dragon Air flight on KA380 from Hong Kong arrived 1 hour before the Hong Kong Express flight. Look at the picture. Dragon Air A330-300s come to Fukuoka again and again. Both companies offer direct flight to Fukuoka once per day. 
おまけとして香港エクスプレスの1時間前に到着したドラゴン航空の香港発KA380便 をUPします。この日の当便は前日(13日)と同様A330-300機で飛来していました。両社とも福岡直行便を1日1便飛ばしています。

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