2013년 5월 15일 수요일

Meganebashi of Isahaya (諫早の眼鏡橋)

First, we were visited to Meganebashi at Isahaya Park.

Meganebashi or "Spectacles Bridge" (眼鏡橋)is a double arch stone bridge spanning a pond in the park. The bridge is twice the size of the famous "Spectacles Bridge" in Nagasaki city. The bridge was originally built over the Honmyo river in 1839. After the flood of 1957, it was relocated to the park. Every year on the anniversary of the flood, the city of Isahaya has a festival at the original location of the bridge. It was designated as an Important Cultural Asset in 1958.

From Wikipedia

After leaving Isahaya, we headed off to Nagasaki.

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