Lunch at AKB48 Cafe & Shop Hakata on 24 February
I had a lunch at AKB48 Cafe & Shop Hakata on last Sunday, 24th February. I had tried Curry Panda Plate (カレーパンダプレート;1,000yen) which is Mariko Shinoda's favourite. This panda-shaped croquette with curry is served with scrambled egg on rice and a small salad. It's not so yummy, but I love Mariko-sama so much. Same as me, she's from Fukuoka.
2013년 2월 27일 수요일
2013년 2월 26일 화요일
Urakami Cathedral
St. Mary's
Cathedral, often known as Urakami Cathedral (Japanese: 浦上天主堂 Urakami Tenshudō) after its location
Urakami, is a Roman
Catholic church located in Motoomachi, Nagasaki, Japan. The cathedral was completely destroyed by atomic bomb on 9 August 1945, and was rebuilt in 1959.
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Urakami Cathedral in August 2010 |
2013년 2월 24일 일요일
Airline brochures/航空会社パンフレット
I got brochures of Cathay Pacific and Singapore Airlines at the venue of Fukuoka Big Market, on 21st February.
From the left upper:Cathay Pacific timetable, Singapore Airlines timetable and information on PPS club of Singapore Airlines./From the lower left:Introduction about Cathay Pacific's brand new premium economy class and the latest business class, and the Singapore Airlines A330.
左上から:キャセイパシフィック航空時刻表、シンガポール航空時刻表およびPPSクラブのご案内/左下から:キャセイパシフィック航空のプレミアムエコノミークラスが新登場および2つの新世代ビジネスクラス登場、シンガポール航空のA330(The Singapore Airlines A330).
Please have a look at and compare the cover of two brochures. Cathay Pacific has launched made a global campaign "Meet the People". This campaign, introducing the airline staff and improving the company's image, is done at the official website and YouTube site. So, the cover person is changing every time. This time, the cover shows a middle-aged pilot. He really looks like David Beckham! On contrary, Singapore Airlines always use Singapore Girl, commonly called stewardesses of the airline dressed in the distinctive "Sarong Kebaya" SIA (=Singapore Airlines) uniform since 1972.
2つのパンフレットのカバーを見比べてみてください。キャセイパシフィック航空はグローバルキャンペーン"Meet the People"を開始しました。同社のスタッフ紹介およびイメージ向上のために行われているこのキャンペーンは同社のホームページおよびYouTubeにて動画配信しています。このため毎回表紙カバーを変えています。今回のカバーにはデビッド・ベッカムによく似た中年のパイロットが表紙を飾っています。反対にシンガポール航空は1972年より使われていてサロンケバヤ(Sarong Kebaya)の区別を示すユニホームを身にまとった同社のスチュワーデスの通称である”シンガポールガール”をいつも使っています。
I got brochures of Cathay Pacific and Singapore Airlines at the venue of Fukuoka Big Market, on 21st February.
From the left upper:Cathay Pacific timetable, Singapore Airlines timetable and information on PPS club of Singapore Airlines./From the lower left:Introduction about Cathay Pacific's brand new premium economy class and the latest business class, and the Singapore Airlines A330.
左上から:キャセイパシフィック航空時刻表、シンガポール航空時刻表およびPPSクラブのご案内/左下から:キャセイパシフィック航空のプレミアムエコノミークラスが新登場および2つの新世代ビジネスクラス登場、シンガポール航空のA330(The Singapore Airlines A330).
Please have a look at and compare the cover of two brochures. Cathay Pacific has launched made a global campaign "Meet the People". This campaign, introducing the airline staff and improving the company's image, is done at the official website and YouTube site. So, the cover person is changing every time. This time, the cover shows a middle-aged pilot. He really looks like David Beckham! On contrary, Singapore Airlines always use Singapore Girl, commonly called stewardesses of the airline dressed in the distinctive "Sarong Kebaya" SIA (=Singapore Airlines) uniform since 1972.
2つのパンフレットのカバーを見比べてみてください。キャセイパシフィック航空はグローバルキャンペーン"Meet the People"を開始しました。同社のスタッフ紹介およびイメージ向上のために行われているこのキャンペーンは同社のホームページおよびYouTubeにて動画配信しています。このため毎回表紙カバーを変えています。今回のカバーにはデビッド・ベッカムによく似た中年のパイロットが表紙を飾っています。反対にシンガポール航空は1972年より使われていてサロンケバヤ(Sarong Kebaya)の区別を示すユニホームを身にまとった同社のスチュワーデスの通称である”シンガポールガール”をいつも使っています。
2013년 2월 23일 토요일
Fukuoka Big Market 2013
After plane spotting is done, I went to Fukuoka Big Market 2013 (福岡ビッグマーケット) at Fukuoka Kokusai Center on Thursday, 21st February. 170 companies from Japan and five from Asia will have exhibition stands during the expo. Fukuoka Big Market is an opportunity to promote Fukuoka as the "Gateway to Asia".
After plane spotting is done, I went to Fukuoka Big Market 2013 (福岡ビッグマーケット) at Fukuoka Kokusai Center on Thursday, 21st February. 170 companies from Japan and five from Asia will have exhibition stands during the expo. Fukuoka Big Market is an opportunity to promote Fukuoka as the "Gateway to Asia".
- At the entrance
- A13:Cathay Pacific/Dragon Air and A14:Singapore Airlines
- This is A13 Cathay Pacific exhibition stand. Look at the posters. Why are there two posters of Cathay Pacific and Dragon Air showing on the exhibition stand? Because Cathay Pacific Group operates on their Fukuoka route twice per day, CX510/511 via Taipei and KA380/381 non-stop flights by Dragon Air, a subsidiary company.
- This is A14 Singapore Airlines exhibition stand. Although the airline considered as a rival company of the above-mentioned Cathay Pacific, their exhibition stand is next to Cathay Pacific. They also have some brochures for things to do in Singapore, such as sightseeing, gourmet etc...
- This is A18 Taiwan Trade Center Fukuoka branch exhibition stand. This exhibition stand shows China Airlines A330-300 aircraft model, too.
2013년 2월 22일 금요일
spotting at Fukuoka Airport on 21 February/2月21日福岡空港にて飛行機撮影
I took some international flights takeoff and landing before and after the KE788 flight.
I took some international flights takeoff and landing before and after the KE788 flight.
Note: This day, Vietnam Airlines VN351 to Ho Chi Minh City took off earlier than Cathay Pacific CX511 to Hong Kong via Taipei and China Airlines CI111 to Taipei. Besides, the CX511 flight was also earlier than the CI111 flight.
Cathay Pacific CX511 (B777-300) to Hong Kong via Taipei takeoff at
China Airlines CI111 (A330-300) to Taipei takeoff at
Korean Air KE784 (B737-900) to Busan taxiing and takeoff on Rwy 34R at 11:01am./大韓航空KE784便釜山行き午前11時01分に滑走路34Rをタキシング+離陸。
EVA Air BR2106 (A330-200) from Taipei landing on Rwy 34R at 11:28am. Due to the aircraft maintenance, this flight is operated by A330-200 instead of A330-300 "Kitty
Jet" livery as usual./台北からのエバー航空BR2106便(A330-200)午前11時28分滑走路34Rに着陸。機材補修の関係で当便は通常のA330-300「キティジェット」特別塗装機ではなくA330-200機となっていました。
Thai Airways TG649 to Bangkok (A330-300) taxiing on Rwy 34R at 11:43am and took off at 11:47am./タイ国際航空TG649便(A330-300)バンコク行き午前11時43分離陸に向けて滑走路34Rをタキシングし午前11時47分に離陸。2013년 2월 21일 목요일
I caught Korean Air B777-300 today!/今日大韓航空のB777-300を捕獲しました!
Luckily, I took Korean Air B777-300 (reg:HL7784) KE788 to Seoul at 10:58am on Rwy 34R. I was checked it out at Korean Air website yesterday, today's flight will be operated by B777-300, so I want to take this plane at the airport before going to the Fukuoka Big Market.
Note: This day, the direction of takeoffs were changed from the North side on Runway 16R to the South side on Runway 34R at about 10:55am. Until Cathay Pacific CX511 to Hong Kong via Taipei and the following CI111 to Taipei from the North side. After KE788 from the South side.
注:この日は午前10時55分ごろから離陸方向を北側滑走路16Rから南側滑走路34Rに変更していました。キャセイパシフィック航空CX511便台北経由香港行きと後続のチャイナエアラインCI111便台北行きまでは北側滑走路からでした。 KE788便以降は南側滑走路からでした。
Note: This day, the direction of takeoffs were changed from the North side on Runway 16R to the South side on Runway 34R at about 10:55am. Until Cathay Pacific CX511 to Hong Kong via Taipei and the following CI111 to Taipei from the North side. After KE788 from the South side.
注:この日は午前10時55分ごろから離陸方向を北側滑走路16Rから南側滑走路34Rに変更していました。キャセイパシフィック航空CX511便台北経由香港行きと後続のチャイナエアラインCI111便台北行きまでは北側滑走路からでした。 KE788便以降は南側滑走路からでした。
- At the time of takeoff, KE784 to Busan taxiing and takeoff on Rwy 34R. They met each other./KE788便の離陸時に滑走路34Rをタキシング+離陸のKE784便釜山行きとすれ違いました。
2013년 2월 20일 수요일
My schedule for tomorrow
As I mentioned in my blog yesterday, I'll go to the Fukuoka Big Market tomorrow, on 21th February.
Before go to the big market, I'll go to Fukuoka Airport to watch KE788 takeoff near Rwy 16R. This flight is operated by B777-300s tomorrow. This fleet rarely comes to Fukuoka, so I want to take a picture. I've only seen to Korean Air's B777-300s at Incheon in 2009.
From Korean Air HL7532 on wikimedia commons
As I mentioned in my blog yesterday, I'll go to the Fukuoka Big Market tomorrow, on 21th February.
Before go to the big market, I'll go to Fukuoka Airport to watch KE788 takeoff near Rwy 16R. This flight is operated by B777-300s tomorrow. This fleet rarely comes to Fukuoka, so I want to take a picture. I've only seen to Korean Air's B777-300s at Incheon in 2009.
From Korean Air HL7532 on wikimedia commons
2013년 2월 19일 화요일
The Fukuoka Big Market 2013 (アジアビッグマーケット2013) at Fukuoka Kokusai Center
I'll go to the Fukuoka Big Market 2013 at Fukuoka Kokusai Center on Thursday, 21th February.
170 companies from Japan and five from Asia will have exhibition stands during the expo. Fukuoka Big Market is an opportunity to promote Fukuoka as the “Gateway to Asia”.
In this expo, three airlines of Asia and one from Japan will have exhibition stands.
I'll go to the Fukuoka Big Market 2013 at Fukuoka Kokusai Center on Thursday, 21th February.
170 companies from Japan and five from Asia will have exhibition stands during the expo. Fukuoka Big Market is an opportunity to promote Fukuoka as the “Gateway to Asia”.
In this expo, three airlines of Asia and one from Japan will have exhibition stands.
- Air Busan
- Star Flyer
2013년 2월 17일 일요일
Ohori Park (大濠公園), Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
The name Ōhori means a
trench and it derives from the fact that Kuroda Nagamasa, the old lord of Fukuoka, reclaimed the
land called Kusagae which was facing Hakata Bay and made a trench for the Fukuoka Castle.
The present park was
reconstructed by Fukuoka City, modeling on the West Lake of China, and opened in 1929.
This park is one of the
most beautiful water
parks in Japan and loved by local people as a relaxation spot. Fireworks festival is held here in
the summer.
From Wikipedia
A few steps south of the museum visitors will come across the Ohori Park
Japanese Garden, which in contrast to the rest of the park charges a small
entrance fee (240 yen over 15 and 120 yen under 15). Here visitors can see typical features of Japanese gardens like dry landscapes and tea houses.
2013년 2월 15일 금요일
Aso Volcano Museum, Aso, Kumamoto
The Aso Volcano
Museum (阿蘇火山博物館, Aso-kazan Hakubutsukan?) is a museum that explains
volcanoes. It is near Mount Aso,
the largest active volcano in Japan.
The Museum is in
Kusasenri, Aso City, Kumamoto
From Wikipedia
A 360 panoramic observatory point is in the second floor, so you can see the magnificent view of Mount Aso.
- A view of Mount Nakadake crater
- The entire view of Kusasenri. Kusasenri is a 79-hectare grassland with two ponds and a horse trail. Horses and cows are left freely to graze on the pasture or to drink from the ponds, adding an idyllic ambiance to the beautiful landscape.
2013년 2월 13일 수요일
An entire view of Fukuoka Airport International Terminal/福岡空港国際線ターミナルの全景
I took an entire view of Fukuoka Airport International Terminal from the opposite side at about 9:30am yesterday. You can see planes of the world lined up to the international terminal in the morning and afternoon departure rush hours.
From the left,/左から
I took an entire view of Fukuoka Airport International Terminal from the opposite side at about 9:30am yesterday. You can see planes of the world lined up to the international terminal in the morning and afternoon departure rush hours.
From the left,/左から
- Vietnam Airlines VN357 to Hanoi (A321)/ベトナム航空VN357便ハノイ行き(A321)
- China Airlines CI111 to Taipei (A330-300)/チャイナエアラインCI111便台北行き(A330-300)
- China Eastern Airlines MU532 to Shanghai (A320)/中国東方航空MU532便上海行き(A320)
- Singapore Airlines SQ655 to Singapore (A330-300)/シンガポール航空SQ655便シンガポール行き(A330-300)
- Korean Air KE788 to Seoul (A330-300)/大韓航空KE788便ソウル行き(A330-300)
- Korean Air KE784 to Busan (B737-900)/大韓航空KE784便釜山行き(B737-900)
- Cathay Pacific CX511 to Hong Kong via Taipei (B777-200)/キャセイパシフィック航空CX511便台北経由香港行き(B777-200)
- Thai Airways International TG649 to Bangkok (A330-300)/タイ国際航空TG649便バンコク行き(A330-300)
2013년 2월 12일 화요일
Plane spotting at Fukuoka Airport today/今日福岡空港にて飛行機撮影
In the morning, I went to Fukuoka Airport to watch planes both domestic and international. It was sunny until 9am. Later it became cloudy with rain.
In the morning, I went to Fukuoka Airport to watch planes both domestic and international. It was sunny until 9am. Later it became cloudy with rain.
I'm posting two special planes takeoff and landing on Rwy
- China Airlines A330-300 (reg:B-18308) on CI2110 charter flight from Taipei at 9:09am./チャイナエアラインA330-300(機体番号:B-18308)台北からのCI2110チャーター便、午前9時09分撮影。
- Cathay Pacific B777-200 on CX511 flight to Hong Kong via Taipei takeoff at 10:36am./キャセイパシフィック航空B777-200機CX511便台北経由香港行き午前10時36分に離陸。
2013년 2월 8일 금요일
Singapore Airlines Fukuoka route/シンガポール航空福岡線
Singapore Airlines operates between Singapore and Fukuoka five flights per week. As I mentioned before, from 28 May, the airline will increase their current 5 flights per week on the route to 1 flight per day. Singapore Changi International Airport, the hub of Singapore Airlines, has a good reputation as the world's greatest airport, such as transit and facilities.
Singapore Airlines operates between Singapore and Fukuoka five flights per week. As I mentioned before, from 28 May, the airline will increase their current 5 flights per week on the route to 1 flight per day. Singapore Changi International Airport, the hub of Singapore Airlines, has a good reputation as the world's greatest airport, such as transit and facilities.
- Fleet/運航機材
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B777-200ER (2010-02-14) |
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A330-300 (2013-02-03) |
2013년 2월 7일 목요일
Plane spotting at Fukuoka Airport on 3 February/2月3日福岡空港での飛行機観察
I was watched planes both domestic and international near Rwy 16R from 10am to noon.
I was watched planes both domestic and international near Rwy 16R from 10am to noon.
- This day, Singapore Airlines SQ655 to Singapore took off earlier than China Eastern Airlines MU532 to Shanghai. Besides, Vietnam Airlines VN351 to Ho Chi Minh City was also earlier than China Airlines CI111 to Taipei and Cathay Pacific CX511 to Hong Kong via Taipei./ この日はシンガポール航空SQ655便シンガポール行きが中国東方航空MU532便上海行きより先に離陸しました。またベトナム航空VN351便ホーチミン行きもチャイナエアラインCI111便台北行きとキャセイパシフィック航空CX511便台北経由香港行きより先に離陸しました。
- International departures until noon on winter schedule between 28 October 2012 and 30 March 2013/正午までの国際線出発便(2012-13冬季スケジュール;2012年10月28日から2013年3月30日まで)
- 09:50 MU532 Shanghai/上海
- 10:00 OZ139 Jeju/済州-operated on Wednesdays/運航日:水
- 10:00 SQ655 Singapore/シンガポール-operated on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays/運航日:火・水・木・土・日
- 10:10 CI111 Taipei/台北
- 10:25 CX511 Hong Kong via Taipei/香港(台北経由)
- 10:30 KE788 Seoul/ソウル
- 10:30 VN357 Hanoi/ハノイ-operated on Tuesdays and Saturdays/運航日:火・土
- 10:30 VN351 Ho Chi Minh City/ホーチミン-operated on Thursdays and Sundays/運航日:木・日
- 10:50 KE784 Busan/釜山
- 11:40 BX141 Busan/釜山
- 11:40 TG649 Bangkok/バンコク
- 11:40 UA166 Guam/グアム
- 11:50 OZ131 Seoul/ソウル
- 12:15 BR2105 Taipei/台北
- 12:25 TW292 Seoul/ソウル
2013년 2월 5일 화요일
Taiwan High Speed Rail trip from Taipei to Kaosiung/台湾高速鉄道に乗って台北から高雄(かおしゅん)へ
After I spent in Taipei for three days, I took Taiwan High Speed Rail or the Taiwanese bullet train from Taipei to Kaosiung. I took both Business and Ecomony classes, an economy class outward journey and a business class return.
After I spent in Taipei for three days, I took Taiwan High Speed Rail or the Taiwanese bullet train from Taipei to Kaosiung. I took both Business and Ecomony classes, an economy class outward journey and a business class return.
- A bullet train before departing at Taipei Station./台北駅にて発車前の新幹線。
- Interior of the business class sections of the Taiwan Shinkansen N700 Series./台湾新幹線N700系ビジネスクラスの車内。
- Interior of the economy class sections of the Taiwan Shinkansen N700 Series./台湾新幹線N700系エコノミークラスの車内。
2013년 2월 4일 월요일
Lunch at AKB48 Cafe & Shop Hakata
I had a lunch at AKB48 Cafe & Shop Hakata yesterday. I had tried Gu-nashi-Pizza-teki-na-Pizza (具なしピザ的なピザ; Pizza with no toppings) which is Rena Matsui's favourite. This pizza is made with demi-glace and mayonnaise, but it's so healthy and delicious. The price is 580yen with one drink.
I had a lunch at AKB48 Cafe & Shop Hakata yesterday. I had tried Gu-nashi-Pizza-teki-na-Pizza (具なしピザ的なピザ; Pizza with no toppings) which is Rena Matsui's favourite. This pizza is made with demi-glace and mayonnaise, but it's so healthy and delicious. The price is 580yen with one drink.
- As you seen on picture, Rena makes her own style pizza at home. The left one is spaghetti with meat sauce, which is Jurina Matsui's favourite. Jurina Matsui and Rena regard as a role of centre of SKE48, the sister project of AKB48 which is based in Nagoya.
- Here are Rena-san's favorite menu, Gu-nashi-Pizza-teki-na-Pizza (Pizza with no toppings) and Coca-cola.
2013년 2월 3일 일요일
Plane spotting at Fukuoka Airport today/今日福岡空港にて飛行機撮影
In the morning, I went to Fukuoka Airport to watch planes both domestic and international. It was a very sunny day today, so I took some my photos as usual, on Rwy 16R.
I'm posting six special planes takeoff and landing on Rwy 16R.
In the morning, I went to Fukuoka Airport to watch planes both domestic and international. It was a very sunny day today, so I took some my photos as usual, on Rwy 16R.
I'm posting six special planes takeoff and landing on Rwy 16R.
- China Eastern Airlines A320 (reg:B-6639) "Shanghai Expo 2010" special livery on MU532 to Shanghai at 10:24am./中国東方航空のA320(機体番号:B-6639)”2010上海万博”特別塗装機上海行きMU532便、午前10時24分撮影。
- Korean Air A330-200 (reg:HL8211) "Future Artist Olympiad" special livery on KE788 to Seoul at 10:42am./大韓航空のA330-200(機体番号:HL8211)"Future Artist Olympiad"特別塗装機ソウル行きKE788便、午前10時42分撮影。
At the time of KE788 takeoff, Air Busan BX142 (B737-400) from Busan has arrived. They met each other. I was so glad to see at the
- Asiana Airlines B777-200ER (reg:HL7597) on OZ132 from Seoul at 11:04am and OZ131 to Seoul at 12:15pm./アシアナ航空のB777-200ER(機体番号:HL7597) ソウルからのOZ132便、午前11時04分およびソウル行きOZ131便、午後12時15分撮影。
- EVA Air A330-300 (reg:B-16333) Kitty Jet "Around the World" livery on BR2105 to Taipei at 12:38pm./エバー航空のA330-300機(機体番号:B-16333)キテイジェット”アラウンド・ザ・ワールド”塗装機台北行きBR2105便、午後12時38分撮影。
- ANA B767-300 (reg:JA602A) "Mohican Jet" retro livery at 10:38am./全日空のB767-300機(機体番号:JA602A)”モヒカンジェット”旧塗装機、午前10時38分撮影。
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