2014년 10월 15일 수요일

Koura-taisha Shrine, Kurume

Driving on the Minou Skyline (耳納スカイライン) mountain highway from the Kurume city center and passing some gentle curves, you will get into the Koura-taisha (高良大社) shrine. We arrived there around 4:15pm. This is the last place to visit on this trip.


Kōra was founded in the fifth century. The shrine is mentioned in the Engishiki and was one of the most important shrines in Chikugo Province.

The torii of 1654 and the honden, haiden, and heiden of 1661 have been designated Important Cultural Properties.

From Wikipedia

The torii is standing at the entrance. We climbed up the very steep stairs to the shrine. 
A prospect park is located in the opposite side of the road. From Here, you can see a great view of the entire Kurume city and the surroundings.

The central Kurume can be seen in the west. Chikugo River running through the city, the Sefuri Mountain Range in the foreground, a high rise building of Kurume City Hall center picture, and Kurume University in the background. This picture is taken at a cafe in front of the torii, so I've a tea break there and taking pictures with permission.
A view of eastern suburbs. The Kyushu Expressway, as shown in the center picture, is passing through in the direction of north and south.
Taking a motorway from the nearest Kurume Interchange, and have a little break at Kiyama Parking Area on the way, we returned home at half past six.

The end

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