2013년 11월 13일 수요일

Hikosan Jingu

Yesterday, on November 12, we visited to Hikosan Jingu, located on the Fukuoka prefecture side of the mountain. We stopped our car at Omotesando (=front sando) of Hikosan Jingu, next to the old Kameishi-bo Garden. We climbed very steep stone stairways to the shrine. I went up the stairs easily, but my mam looks so tired even she borrowed a cane at a shop next to Omotesando. She took a break four times on the way.
 Finally, we arrived at Hohei-den (奉幣殿), a large lecture hall built in 1616.

We saw beautiful autumn leaves on the way.
To came down the stairs, we went back to our car. After that, we visited to Kane-no-Torii (銅鳥居), a bronze Shinto gateway built in 1637.
After leaving Hikosan Jingu, we headed off to Koishiwara.

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