Today, I'm uploading four photos of Cathay Pacific B747-400 comes to Fukuoka in February and May 2010. The CX510/511 flights operated by A330s and B777s as usual. However, it sometimes change to either A340-300 or B747-400.
- On 14 February 2010: Cathay Pacific CX511 to Hong Kong via Taipei takeoff on Rwy 16R. This day, CX511 flight was operated by B747-400 aircraft because of the Chinese New Year consecutive holidays.
- 2010年2月14日:CX511便台北経由香港行き滑走路16Rから離
陸。この日の511便は旧正月の連休のせいかB7 47-400機で飛来していた。
- On 6 May 2010: Cathay Pacific CX511 to Hong Kong via Taipei takeoff on Rwy 16R. Same as on 14 February, CX511 flight was operated by B747-400 aircraft because of the Golden Week consecutive holidays yesterday.
- 2010年5月6日:CX511便台北経由香港行き滑走路16Rから離
陸。2月14日と同じく511便は前日までのGWのせいかB7 47-400機で飛来していた。
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