2012년 5월 14일 월요일

Dazaifu Tenmaugu (太宰府天満宮), September 2011

I went to Dazaifu on 06 September 2011. It takes 40 minutes by bicycle. The course is as follows:The site of former government of Dazaifu - Kaidan-in Temple - Kanzeon-ji Temple - Dazaifu Tenmangu - Komyozen-ji Temple.

Today, I'm uploading many photos of Dazaifu Tenmangu. Dazaifu Tenmangu famous as a shrine to the God of study, and many other famous and historical spots.
The first torii that leads to the main shrine.

Two of the first bridge at Dazaifu Tenmangu that leads to the main shrine.

After crossing the bridge, you'll see the second torii. This torii is located before getting into the main shrine.

Chozu-ya (手水舎)

The main shrine

Komainu or lion-dogs at the main shrine.

The main shrine and tobiume, an ume tree.

Ema (絵馬)

A giraffe statue
A cow statue at the entrance.

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