2022λ…„ 11μ›” 8일 ν™”μš”μΌ

Visiting Kumamoto Castle again

 We went to Kumamoto, Miyazaki and Kagoshima for 2 days on November 3 and 4.

First, we had decided to take a drive to Kumamoto Castle🏯 in the heart of the cityπŸ™ You probably know that the castle completely collapsed in the Kumamoto earthquakes six years ago. When we visited the following year, it was still under reconstruction😒

The castle is always crowded: when I took around I saw a lot of tourists from JapanπŸ—Ύ and abroadπŸ—Ί They want to see what it will be in six yearsπŸ˜„

Let's take a tour from Ninomaru ParkπŸƒ

The brand new keep tower was completed last April. It took five years to restore.

The Misaru-yagura (ζœͺη”³ζ«“) turret was also restored😊  

But the some part of walls has not yet started😭    

The reconstruction work of the Iida-maru (ι£―η”°δΈΈ) five-stories turret is still aheadπŸ˜₯ I think it will take a while to complete😐 

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