2019년 6월 15일 토요일

Seeing iris and hydrangea festival at Ishibashi Cultural Center Japanese garden

On Thursday we had decided to take a drive to see iris and hydrangea in bloom at Ishibashi Cultural Center Japanese garden, Kurume, Fukuoka. The garden's annual flowers event will be held between May 23 and June 16, with 30 species, of 10000 pieces of irises, hydrangeas and water lily flowers has been planted. The best time to see the flowers is around the beginning of June.

The pond's irises are approaching full bloom, with over 80% of the flowers already open.

The Kurume City Art Museum/Ishibashi Museum of Art with water fountain in background.
Going through the inner path, we came to the Japanese garden.
Iris blossoms in bloom in the garden.
The iris garden and the Kurume City Art Museum

A close up of some iris blossoms.
Colorful hydrangeas in full bloom.
More hydrangea blooms in the backyard.
I was tried to take a backlit picture of irises and hydrangeas together.

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