2024년 10월 11일 금요일

Visiting Harajiri Falls, Oita

On Wednesday, we had take a drive 🚙to Harajiri Falls🌊 This waterfall is located on the Ono River in Bungo-Ono, Oita♨ It is selected by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment as one of the top 100 waterfalls in Japan🗾 


Harajiri Falls is 20 meters tall and 120 meters wide. Due to its appearance, it is sometimes referred to the "Niagara Falls of the East."🌏 The waterfall is formed from the pyroclastic flows of an eruption of Mount Aso about 90,000 years ago😲

From Wikipedia

I'm going to cross a wooden bridge📸
A close up view of the waterfall is like this.